Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Sham Finds Fossils in Jurassic Dorset and Dips his Toe into Devon

I expect you are all eager to know what I did on holiday with Moonflower and family in Charmouth, Dorset along the Jurassic coastline.

On Saturday we arrived in Dorset after a very long drive, I had been pulled from my snug little bed while it was still dark to start the journey, but it was worth it as I saw lots of beautiful countryside along the way and passed so many places that I may one day travel to.

As everyone was a bit tired, I just rested mostly for the day to regain my energy. I had been given my own sleeping area in the ‘van’, as it affectionately called by Moonflower, and very cosy it was as well.

On Sunday I met friends of my hosts who were our neighbours on the caravan site and very nice they were too; a jolly chap and his charming wife. They drove around in a very odd vehicle called a Q Pod, which drew much interest from others, When no-one else was around I couldn’t resist sitting behind the wheel of it myself, and trying it for size.

During the week we all took a walk to the local beach at Charmouth to search for things called fossils. Apparently they are the remains of little creatures and plants, millions of years old that have been preserved in rocks and suchlike. As it would have been a long way for my little legs I was kindly carried in what was to be my travelling bag whenever we ventured out.

It was a lovely sunny day and I sat on the ancient rocks to examine some smaller stones for any sign of a fossil.

Moonflower discovered a few on some rather large rocks, too big to bring home with us, but Mr Moonflower took some nice photos of them. Fortunately I discovered some smaller ones myself. I don’t know what all the fuss was about really, while everyone else was frantically digging among the pebbles, I wandered a short way off and found a whole load of fossils just sitting there in a tub outside a shop!!!

There was much walking up hill and down dale throughout the week with spectacular views that I witnessed from the safety and warmth of my travelling bag; well it did get a bit windy on some of those clifftops!

On the last day we decided to go over the county line into Devon and travelled by bus to a place called Beer. Unfortunately I spent most of the time there securely zipped up in my bag as the weather that day was as wet as the town’s namesake! Luckily though I picked up a postcard in Beer, just before we boarded the bus back, to prove I had actually been there.

Then all too soon it seemed it was time to return to Kent, all aboard the van again for another long journey back. I had a lovely time in Dorset and have enjoyed my stay in Kent too, but I am sure it won’t be long before I’m off on my travels again.

Friday, 3 July 2009

A Visit to the Castle and Ready for the Off

I just about have enough time before I venture to Dorset to bring you all up to date.

As promised last week if I was good, and I am a very well behaved house guest, we took a short trip to Leeds Castle.

We didn’t go inside as we had Scruffy the dog with us, but we had a good long walk around the grounds and stopped by the lake to see the ducks, swans and geese.

There were lots of different trees and flowers, and plants for me to forage under for a snack to keep me going along the way. I had a good time although I did find it rather tiring. I do only have small legs you know. I managed to have a good long rest for most of the week, which is just as well as for the past couple days I have been very busy.

Moonflower has been rushing around, packing all manner of things into the motor home ready for our trip. I was a little concerned that she may overlook some essential items, so thought that I had better help.

Well with everything almost ready now, all that is left for me to do is have a good meal of slugs and snails and then get an early night as we are setting off very early in the morning. I hope I won’t be too excited to sleep, thinking about the adventures that await me in Dorset.
I will see you all when I return with many tales to tell I hope.
Goodbye for now……Sham xxx