Wednesday, 25 May 2011

I have now been to 2 new aya ceremonies. On the first I was very sick, purging out all the stress and illness I had accumulated again since my time with Ross in Peru. I had a difficult journey but Sarah and Ross sang our ayahuasca songs to me and made me better.

Then they gave me a floral bath and I was well. My second ceremony was much better and I realised I am God and the universe is inside me and so I am very powerful indeed.

On the course I also learned to talk to plants and sing their songs, understand the core principles of all shamanic herbalism so now I can prescribe plants effectively for any client, and I followed a shamanic diet with White Rose so had her as an ally (or at least I did until 7.31pm that night when my diet ended providing I didn't have sex, drink alcohol or eat sausages until then).

Back again soon with pictures of my Soul Retrieval and Shamanic Healing Course certificate. With many thanks to Ross and Sarah - I passed!

Indie Shaman

Friday, 13 May 2011

How time flies! I'm soon to attend Ross' Soul Retrieval and Shamanic Healing course
so here's some more first about my experiences earning my Shamanic Practitioner Diploma.

My favourite part of the course was the plant spirit work: listening to the whispers of the plants divulging their secrets to me. This spirit to spirit communication feels very natural and I’m looking forward to working more with plant spirits on my shamanic path and singing more songs of nature. Creating plant perfumes in the rain was more fun than I anticipated and I thought my own concoction (for love, if you must know) looked particularly pleasing to the eye in one of Ross’ hand-painted bottles.

Mesa work and the medicine wheel

I was feeling a little sad when the course was almost at an end – we had learned so much that I couldn’t possibly blog it all but I feel brand new and by the looks on the faces of the other course participants, they shared this feeling I have inside ...

... and I must have done OK on the course as at the end I was awarded my certificate!

Here are a couple of my new friends all with our certificates

It's so exciting me getting my first ever 'ology and now having a Diploma in Shamanic Studies I think you might want to see a close up so here it is :-)

As I said at the start of today's blog I'm staying with Ross and Sarah in Spain a bit longer so I can join in with the next course too. So do catch up with my blog again soon!

Many hedgehog blessings
Indie Shaman

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

A Very Shamanic Hedgehog

Hi again to all my friends. I'm back with some more tales about my exciting and educational experiences on Ross Heaven's Course in Shamanic Healing in Spain.

We made many drum journeys to explore the spiritual realms available to us and afterwards we sat and discussed our experiences. I enjoyed the sharing of our journeying stories and these were some of my favourite moments. It’s funny how themes started to emerge within the group and it was already starting to feel like we’ve all been brought together at the perfect time.

This was a big drum for a small hedgehog but I managed to make a big noise, providing I remembered to keep my nose out of the way.

Power and soul retrieval were challenging for me: old fears and beliefs arose in us as we learned to work with the techniques, but we were such a close knit group by then that we worked together to heal and support each other as these issues came to light. I feel like I’ve made so many good friends here!

With Teresa in the workroom

We learned methods of shamanic counselling – guiding people to find their own power and retrieve lost parts of themselves appeals to me as it’s so empowering for the person you’re working with. I personally found the blessing ceremonies wonderful to take part in and afterward felt energised and, funnily enough, blessed!
Gold and Shadow Counselling

"King Ezekiel awaits counselling from the Merlins"

Well I felt like a King! That's all for now. Back again soon with the rest of my blog from Ross' course.

Yours, blessed and passing on the blessings
(aka Shaman Sham, Indie Shaman)