Saturday, 30 May 2009

Learning to make dreamcatchers

The last few days with Neyeli and her family have been fun. Neyeli taught me how to make dream catchers so now I have another new skill although the weaving was very small so I had to borrow Neyeli’s glasses to see them properly.

My favourite job here is keeping guard over the strawberries from the snails, so lots of yummy snacks for me. I have also been keeping the little pots stocked up with food for the feathered friends that visit throughout the day and sneaking some of those yummy brown things called sultanas for myself when Neyeli isn’t looking.

Neyeli says I will get fat if I keep on snacking so I have been helping with the housework. I found a little yellow duster which is just the right size for me.
This week we are going to the pine forest to visit the red squirrels so hopefully I will make even more new friends, will keep you posted

Bye for now

Thursday, 28 May 2009

A quick journey to new friends

This morning I arrived at Neyeli’s house so after 2 days of hibernating in my box it was nice to stretch my legs.

Neyeli showed me around the house and garden and then to my room which I will be sharing with some new friends, Pandy and Jacko the monkey. Even Lewis her spotty dog came to greet me with a big wet kiss.

Neyeli is very busy with work today but she promised later that I could help her make a dream catcher so I’m looking forward to that.

For now I will get to know my new friends and have a wander around the garden in search for some suitable snails for lunch.

Sham goes North

“All my bags are packed, I’m ready to go.
I’m standing here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye .“

Well the postman’s blowing his horn and the time has come for me to move on to gardens new. Get ready Neyeli, I am on my way! (Or I will be just as soon as I finish this blog entry and climb in my box – I hope Ygraine has packed a rather large picnic basket).

I have had a lovely time but I am SO looking forward to meeting Neyeli and helping her make things. Country life is good but time for more adventures.

So I may be away for a while but I will be back to update you – I hope Royal Mail take good care of me – I only have so much padding.

Bye for now – hedgehog blessings on you all. xxx

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Shaman Sham goes quad biking

Well life is good down on the farm ooh arr. I have been riding horses and walking a lot so I am very fit and trim. Good for the appetite mind you, just as well there is a good supply of earthworms now the rain has come.

We had a bit of excitement yesterday. Ygraine had to move some electric fencing for the horses so we went down on the quad bike. It was hard work in the wind but we managed to get the job done. We then stopped for a little something to eat (well a boy has to keep up his stamina and energy for all this work).

The really, really fun thing was that Ygraine taught me how to drive the quad and I had such fun – even though Y had to do the pedals for me. I think I look quite cool on the bike. I really should have had a crash helmet but it was an impromptu session so we just had to be careful.

Right, I am off to do some drumming so that’s all for now. I believe I am about to go on my travels again soon. I can’t wait – I believe there are lots of arts and crafts to do in my new home so watch this space.

Saturday, 2 May 2009

Sham Goes Riding

Ooh what a day – I thought I would quickly blog before going for a little nap. I have been SO busy.

After breakfast Ygraine asked if I would like to try riding a horse. I was so excited I was bouncing up and down.

My horse was huuuuge but I was very brave and we went for miles and miles, all around Ygraine’s farm, and I thought of all my great-great-great … Grandfathers who had ridden from place to place in search of food. I felt really connected to them.

When I started to wilt a little we stopped for a picnic among the bluebells. Ah what bliss. They smelt divine and I had the words of that poem about bluebells going through my mind. You know the one:

“But when I looked upon the bank

My wandering glances fell
Upon a little trembling flower,
A single sweet bluebell. “

Anne Bronte

Ygraine had packed a lovely lunch and when I had eaten until I was fit to burst I washed it down with earthworm and honey mead. Yum. I picked some little hedgerow flowers to give Ygraine to say thank you. I didn’t pick any bluebells though because they are protected and far too pretty to spoil by picking.

I had a little nap curled up under the hedge while Muffin, my horse, grazed on the lush grass.

Once refreshed we made our way home bathed in sunshine. What a perfect day.

Now I am off for a little zzzzzzzzz before dinner. A chap could get used to this.