Thursday, 28 January 2010

Exploring Kilbrittain

Today we went out to explore around where Butterflywings lives. First we went to the beach at Harbour View. The tide was out and we had to walk a long way to get to the water. I had to sit down on the way as my legs were aching from walking in the sand. Fortunately Mr Butterflywings had a plastic bag in his pocket and he let me sit on it so I didn't get my bottom wet.

I think they took pity on me then as they let me sit up on the breakwater and rest for a while. It was a bit green and slimy but I had a good view from there. A great big white bird, which I learnt was a seagull, seemed to want to sit next to me so I got down then. Well it was a lot bigger than me.

Then I found worms! I was really excited about this as I didn't know you could get worms on the beach. I was hoping that I would be left alone so I could have a snack ...

From one part of the beach I could see a big house in the distance. Butterflywings explained that this was Coolmain Castle which belongs to the Disney family, the same family that makes all the films like Mickey Mouse and Cinderella. She also told me that this wasn't the only castle in Kilbrittain and so on the way home we stopped to see the other one.
You can actually see Kilbrittain castle from Butterflywings garden but it looks much bigger close up. She told me that it is the oldest inhabited castle in Ireland. I bet it's full of all kinds of spirits whooo, whooo, whooo.

After this we went to Kilbrittain woods. The woods are quite big and just as you go in there is a river which goes down to the sea. We stopped on a little wooden bridge over the river. Butterflywings had to hold onto me as she was worried I would fall in when I climbed up to sit on the bridge.

The stone bridge is called Deasy's Bridge and the other side of it is the estuary, then the sea. I learnt that lots of birds migrate here in the winter and live in the estuary for a while.

Sunday, 24 January 2010

Visiting the stone circle at Drombeg

The floods, ice and snow have all gone and the sun was shining so we all went out for the day to visit the stone circle at Drombeg. I wasn't sure what to expect but the stone circle was quite big, or maybe I'm just a bit small. It was good as I got to sit up on one of the stones. I did ask the stones for permission first and they said yes, I think that's because I'm a Shaman as Butterflywings and Mr Butterflywings didn't sit up on them.

I learnt that Drombeg is probably Ireland's most famous stone circle. Drombeg means Druid's Altar and the circle has seventeen pillar stones made of local sandstone.

Butterflywings said I should sit on the flat stone in the centre I think she said something about a sacrifice but I must have misheard her as there were lots of things on the stone that looked like offerings. At least I didn't have to sit in the water or I'd have got a bit wet.

I also went to look at the Fulacht fiadh which is a communal cooking pit with a hearth. Hot stones were taken from the fire and dropped into the water trough, I learnt that these stones could boil seventy gallons of water in about fifteen minutes.

The people who lived there had two huts made of stone and you can still see where they were. This is me sat in the doorway that joined them.

Mr Butterflywings took a photo of me with Butterflywings. Its good she had a nice bright coat on so I couldn't lose her. The stone circle looks quite good behind us doesn't it.
Just before we left I asked the stones if I could sit tight up on one of the largest ones. We had a bit of trouble as most of them sloped but this one was really comfy. I just wanted to sit and soak up the energy for a while before we left.

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Learning about the Sidhe

I see a tall dark, handsome wait, that's me. I really must get the hang of this scrying. Maybe the light's too bright or something, now let me just me in there, good job I am so handsome.

I've been practicing some more of my shamanic skills too. I have had a go at dowsing for flower essences and using the flower essence cards to select them. These are some of the ones I liked the look of all I have to do now is work out what they are for. Maybe I can journey to find out.

I've been reading the Nature Speak cards too. I like these and I've borrowed some glasses so I can see them more clearly. Don't I look distinguished in them.

Butterflywings says that if I'm in Ireland I really should learn about the Sidhe. She gave me this book to read. So far I've found out that 'The Sidhe' can mean people of the mounds or the lordly ones or the good people. It's really another name for fairies.

It says the Sidhe settled in Ireland millennia ago and after a battle retreated to a different dimension of time and space. It is said they live underground in mounds, fairy raths and cairns. My book also says that the Sidhe are tall and handsome, dress richly and that their halls are richly decorated with sumptuous foods and drinks.Oohh maybe I'm a Sidhe, that sounds just like me.

The Sidhe protect trees and mounds and can curse any mortal who destroys or damages them. Good job I'm Shaman Sham and would never do anything like that or I think they'd scare me a little.

I'm going to keep a look out for them or rather an ear out for my book says that whenever the Sidhe appear there is a strange sound like the humming of thousands of bees and also a whirlwind is caused.

Monday, 11 January 2010

Shaman Sham learns all about snow

Wow, so that's what snow is, I've been reading about other Indie Shaman having snow and have seen some of their pictures but I didn't really understand what it was. I was so excited that Butterflywings found me a hat and scarf so I didn't get cold and then she let me go outside in the snow. Mr Butterflywings said I looked like Paddington Bear but I don't know who that is so I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.

Butterflywings said I could help feed the birds and so she helped me climb up onto the bird table. I had a look into the container to see if there was anything I might like. All I can say is the birds must be very hungry if that's what they eat.

I was a bit damp after I climbed back down so I went and hid under the bamboo for a while as it wasn't snowing so much there. I didn't realise that snow was wet. It doesn't look it does it. Ohh there's always so much to learn.

I found a new friend in the garden and decided to hang out with him for a bit. His name is Buddha and he was sheltering from the snow too. He doesn't say much though, very quiet and inscrutable.

Mr Butterflywings said that if I was staying outside I might like to play in the snow. He told me about snowballs and building snowmen and I was quite excited about having a go but then he told me that there wasn't enough snow and we'd have to wait until there was. He's very kind though because he made me a sledge and pushed me around the garden on it until he go too tired and said he had to go back indoors.

Then I found some footprints in the snow. I think they belong to the Sidhe. I'm sure they like playing in the snow too so it must be them.

Butterflywings said that as there were no cars around I could go and sit on the wall so I could see the snow across the crossroads and down the valley.

After that I really was getting a bit cold so when I got back in the house we put my scarf and hat on the radiator to dry and I went and sat by the fire so I could get nice and warm again.

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Happy New Year from Shaman Sham

Happy New Year! I've been learning all about New Year which is the first day on the Gregorian calender. That means people who use that calender get to have the day off work and set off fireworks. I think fireworks are scary but Butterflywings told me I was quite safe in the house and kept me company so I was very brave and hardly scared at all once she had got me out from under the bed.

At new year people make resolutions. I don't know why. Butterflywings explained that a resolution is when you promise to yourself to do something. Most people make resolutions to give up smoking, stop drinking, eat healthily or get fit. But I don't smoke or drink and I'm sure I am fit and eat healthily. So I resolved to learn lots like a Shaman should do.

So I've been being nosey, sorry I mean inquisitive, and have been exploring the Haven on my own. Well it's important that I know where everything is and what it does. That's what Shaman do isn't it, and anyway, if Butterflywings is busy maybe I can work with her tools for her. She tells me she makes her own tools and so far I've found one of her rattles and her wand.
I think I'll have to squeeze these in as well when I go. Well if she makes her own then she can make some more, she'll hardly miss these will she.

I also found this big bowl of crystals. I don't think Butterflywings really works with these with other people but she uses them in her healing tools. She also told me they make good presents for people. I think food would make a better present though. I think I'll suggest it to her, just in case she'd like to give me anything.

Oooh I've seen feathers like these before when I stayed with Nelly. The smudge feathers were made by Nelly and the wolf is called Teltunuk. The other feathers are from eagles. I don't know where Butterflywings got them though, I've seen robins, sparrows, chaffinches, magpies and crows here but no eagles. I think if I saw one I'd hide though, just in case it wanted to eat me.

There are feathers in these prayer feathers too. Butterflywings told me they are supposed to be outside in the earth but she keeps hers inside instead. I hope I get to make some of my own.

I also found two of Butterflywings auragraphs. I think they are a type of reading and tell you about yourself. Maybe if I ask her nicely she'd do one for me. I wonder if it would have snails, ants, flies or worms in it. I'm sure these are some of my guides, they are very important to me. I'm not sure you are supposed to eat your guides though are you?