Sunday, 24 January 2010

Visiting the stone circle at Drombeg

The floods, ice and snow have all gone and the sun was shining so we all went out for the day to visit the stone circle at Drombeg. I wasn't sure what to expect but the stone circle was quite big, or maybe I'm just a bit small. It was good as I got to sit up on one of the stones. I did ask the stones for permission first and they said yes, I think that's because I'm a Shaman as Butterflywings and Mr Butterflywings didn't sit up on them.

I learnt that Drombeg is probably Ireland's most famous stone circle. Drombeg means Druid's Altar and the circle has seventeen pillar stones made of local sandstone.

Butterflywings said I should sit on the flat stone in the centre I think she said something about a sacrifice but I must have misheard her as there were lots of things on the stone that looked like offerings. At least I didn't have to sit in the water or I'd have got a bit wet.

I also went to look at the Fulacht fiadh which is a communal cooking pit with a hearth. Hot stones were taken from the fire and dropped into the water trough, I learnt that these stones could boil seventy gallons of water in about fifteen minutes.

The people who lived there had two huts made of stone and you can still see where they were. This is me sat in the doorway that joined them.

Mr Butterflywings took a photo of me with Butterflywings. Its good she had a nice bright coat on so I couldn't lose her. The stone circle looks quite good behind us doesn't it.
Just before we left I asked the stones if I could sit tight up on one of the largest ones. We had a bit of trouble as most of them sloped but this one was really comfy. I just wanted to sit and soak up the energy for a while before we left.

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